My 100 Days of Writing Something, Day 1

So, here we go. This is daunting, because writing is not my forte. You might have guessed, I am more into communicating visually than verbally. But, if I only learned one thing from last years #the100dayproject, it would be, if you want to get better at something, do it for 100 days.

This is more of a personal goal. There isn’t a project planned at the end or anything. I just want to get better at writing. Specifically, writing about my process, and work, and life. Something every artist should do, because it is important to know what goes on behind the paint. This is also one of my biggest fears, because I have serious issues, and anxiety about sharing about myself! I am always the quietest one in the room, and this is absolutely terrifying for me. I have decided to face my fear, anyway! Day 1 of, #my100daysofwritingsomething